When you see that word.. Hear it, what comes to mind? I’m sure it’s something along the lines of this;
A Muslim man covering his face only his eyes being shown with Arabic writing on his forehead brandishing the words, or the actual, Quran around. Truth is there are terrorists everywhere. Just last month there was a terrorist in Norway. But wait..He wasn’t a terrorist was he? I mean the news never called him a terrorist. They said he was ill. They did a documentary on him showing why he did what he did. His actions were justified and the news never mentioned that unmentionable word. So he is not a terrorist right?
What is the actual definition of terrorist, tell me. A terrorist is a person who terrorizes or frightens others. So, this man in Norway who bombed a government building killing a couple people injuring many scaring many, who now need therapy is not a terrorist. But a Muslim, even if he's just a small boy in Arab clothes he is classified as a terrorist. Where's the logic in that?

Now let’s look at the US army. Are they not terrorists in their own way? They invade places; Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan etc etc and kill many, scare many, rape, torture and much more. But no they aren’t terrorists because they are fighting for their country by invading other countries and killing people. Makes sense doesn’t it? On top of that all they are from the government and the government hasn’t done any terrorist acts what so ever. Nooo the government is legit absolutely legit.
But an American soldier killing 10 Iraqi people, women children and men, is rewarded. *thumbs up* wow.
Take a good long think about it. 9/11, invasions happening after that, the slander of Islam. Propaganda etc.
Back to the word terrorist. Just Googling it I stumbled onto this site;
Now, this person or people, whoever wrote this site hasn’t even opened the Quran and read the whole of it. They have taken bits of it and taken it out of context and blown it out of proportion from what they see on the news and TV etc.
Islam is about peace and harmony, not about suicide or murder or wars. It is not a cult. And our Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) was none of those things and our Allah is the same as the God that everyone else knows. Of course there are punishments for our actions. God will punish us after he has judged us like a judge after a trial on earth.
There is also this part of what seems to be a documentary that I found on youtube;
Quoting the part of this clip;
“The propaganda of Islam is very similar to the propaganda of Nazi-ism; it’s the same hate speech and the same paranoia. It’s us against them.”
This again is wrong. It is not propaganda, it is a religion. Islam teaches us that hate, discrimination etc is wrong because God has created all beings and so we are all equal.
This video has just taken some clips from speeches, bits of video and pictures and has blown them out of proportion and has taken them out of context. There are two sides to every coin and this video only looks at one side making the Muslims look like terrorists. What they don’t show is how Palestinians live now and what Israel has been doing to them for years and years. They murder, brutally kill many Palestinians each month and nothing is done no big matter is made out of this, why? This has become a norm? Because we are seen as terrorists and so it is fine?
It is all their own propaganda showing that we need to be “wiped out” because we are Muslims and so are terrorists. It is the propaganda of the illuminati.