

When you see that word.. Hear it, what comes to mind? I’m sure it’s something along the lines of this;

A Muslim man covering his face only his eyes being shown with Arabic writing on his forehead brandishing the words, or the actual, Quran around. Truth is there are terrorists everywhere. Just last month there was a terrorist in Norway. But wait..He wasn’t a terrorist was he? I mean the news never called him a terrorist. They said he was ill. They did a documentary on him showing why he did what he did. His actions were justified and the news never mentioned that unmentionable word. So he is not a terrorist right?

What is the actual definition of terrorist, tell me. A terrorist is a person who terrorizes or frightens others. So, this man in Norway who bombed a government building killing a couple people injuring many scaring many, who now need therapy is not a terrorist. But a Muslim, even if he's just a small boy in Arab clothes he is classified as a terrorist. Where's the logic in that?

Now let’s look at the US army. Are they not terrorists in their own way? They invade places; Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan etc etc and kill many, scare many, rape, torture and much more. But no they aren’t terrorists because they are fighting for their country by invading other countries and killing people. Makes sense doesn’t it? On top of that all they are from the government and the government hasn’t done any terrorist acts what so ever. Nooo the government is legit absolutely legit.

But an American soldier killing 10 Iraqi people, women children and men, is rewarded. *thumbs up* wow.


Take a good long think about it. 9/11, invasions happening after that, the slander of Islam. Propaganda etc.

Back to the word terrorist. Just Googling it I stumbled onto this site;
Now, this person or people, whoever wrote this site hasn’t even opened the Quran and read the whole of it. They have taken bits of it and taken it out of context and blown it out of proportion from what they see on the news and TV etc.
Islam is about peace and harmony, not about suicide or murder or wars. It is not a cult. And our Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) was none of those things and our Allah is the same as the God that everyone else knows. Of course there are punishments for our actions. God will punish us after he has judged us like a judge after a trial on earth.

There is also this part of what seems to be a documentary that I found on youtube;

Quoting the part of this clip;
“The propaganda of Islam is very similar to the propaganda of Nazi-ism; it’s the same hate speech and the same paranoia. It’s us against them.”
This again is wrong. It is not propaganda, it is a religion. Islam teaches us that hate, discrimination etc is wrong because God has created all beings and so we are all equal.
This video has just taken some clips from speeches, bits of video and pictures and has blown them out of proportion and has taken them out of context. There are two sides to every coin and this video only looks at one side making the Muslims look like terrorists. What they don’t show is how Palestinians live now and what Israel has been doing to them for years and years. They murder, brutally kill many Palestinians each month and nothing is done no big matter is made out of this, why? This has become a norm? Because we are seen as terrorists and so it is fine?
It is all their own propaganda showing that we need to be “wiped out” because we are Muslims and so are terrorists. It is the propaganda of the illuminati.


Beyoncè – Signs

I was just listening to a whole load of Beyoncè songs and I came across one called “Signs”. In this song Beyoncè is singing about her lover who reminds her of each one of the signs and the chorus is her saying each and every one of them in order “Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aires, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, I love all y’all”. I have been told that it is against my religion and I have recently heard that it too is forbidden in the Bible. I am unable to find any actual evidence of this because every time I try and research it seems that each website seems to say that astrology and the Bible overlap.
I do believe that Astrology can be Satanic because of the way it has been used and abused before, for example; The Mayans were the ones who originally came up with the Zodiac signs and used to worship the sun, stars, moon etc and as well they used to give brutal sacrifices to their gods. All of this is very satanic.
Personally, I do follow the zodiac signs and I do find some truth in them. I just look at it in a strictly scientific point of view as in how the moon, sun, planets, stars etc do have an effect on people’s natures and personalities etc because that can happen.
However, back to Beyoncè.  In this particular song at the end, 3:52, she seems to be talking in an incomprehensible demonic language I can’t even try and type. And after she says that Missy Elliot is talking to her and she says “Aha” as if she understood what Beyoncè had just said and Beyoncè keeps repeating and Missy Elliot answering her.
Take a listen to the song;
Now after hearing that, obviously the first thing to do is to reverse that part because that’s how they hide the messages.
After reversing I hear; “Got game like an Aquarius”.
Now firstly, why would Beyoncè put in an obvious hidden message like that? It’s like she is showing us and inviting us to reverse it and find what it says. Is she inviting to reverse her other songs as well? And now why would she be talking about an Aquarius when she herself is a Virgo? Which she even states in the song; “I wish he was a Virgo, the same sign as me.” I did some research on Zodiac signs and timings of year etc and this is what I have found;

(^ take a look at that, it's a lot of useful information)

2012 is the beginning of the “Age of Aquarius”. Aquarius being an Air sign but the sign of water shows that it is the bringer of knowledge. Now why would a Satanic Illuminati be so happy as to share with us knowledge in such an obvious way? Unless it is the knowledge that she has been subliminally applying us with all these years. This is the year the movies have been talking about. This is the year everybody has been awaiting. Why? Because this is the year where the Illuminati’s New World Order is going to start. No wonder she’s upset that it isn’t a Virgo, the same year as her. So that she would have been able to celebrate it with her ‘man’ her ‘God’ and lavish in his glory that it is happening on her Zodiac.
All the Alien movies, all the end of the world movies it has all been because of their plan. So much has already taken place in 2011, 2012 is their year. It is starting, they are ready. And so many people are blind to this, so many people do not realize what is happening, they are falling into their trap and will be caught. Open your eyes to the world around you and see it for what it is. Get ready, as they are already ready putting the final touches to their plans.
Just stick to your faith, believe in God and he will guide you. I myself need to get closer to him and I know that. I’m working on it, start working on yours.


Speaking on this subject of illuminati, there's a lot that goes into it. It's controlled by the highest of the high, the richest of the rich, everybody you look up to. Practically everyone who's famous now is in the 'system' and if they aren't well their going to be very soon.

The music industry especially; I mean who doesn't love to bond with a Taylor Swift track, dance to a Lady GaGa track, go wild or humble with a Beyoncè, rock out with Paramore etc etc. But all these artists are just pawns in the game of the Illuminati, freemasonry’s etc. Granted some do not understand or do not know what it is that they are doing but most; Will Smith, Beyoncè, Jay Z, Kanye West, Katy Perry, Nicki Minaj, Taylor Swift and now P!nk and many more know exactly what they are doing. The Queen is Madonna, or was I personally think its Lady GaGa at the moment. Just listen to her songs, watch her videos and pay close attention, you should notice. I mean her songs now especially; Judas, Bloody Mary, Government Hooker, Alejandro etc.

And then there are people like Tupac, MJ that tried to save us, tried to show us the illuminati and what they want to do. What happened to them? They somehow died just as they were breaking free. Murdered. By who? Random deaths? No. Plots. Ploys. They were killed to silence them. To stop them. All the allegations made about Michael Jackson were false. To get the public away from him, wanting them to hate him and thus not believe a thing he said. For it was just to try and save himself if he did say anything.

Here's a video made by a you tuber of Michael Jackson trying to warn us;

Here's another of Tupac;

And if you need more information you could start how I found this out; watching The Arrivals;

I do think some of it was taken too far in the arrivals, I do not believe it all however most has significance and it is an eye-opener.

P.S I’m not saying to never listen to music again. I mean I still listen to music and these artists because on an, for the lack of a better word, "innocent" level they speak to me in the sense of what others believe them to be; about life, love etc. But I am aware of what the deeper, subliminal messages are. The whole point of this blog is just to make you aware, to open your eyes to what is truly going on around you.


In this blog I’m going to be posting everything I know and believe about politics, religion, governments, illuminati etc. I am going to provide the basis of some evidence but not all of it because I don’t want you to just take my word for it. Go out and do your own research and test it out if you want, I’m just trying to give you the basics and my view point.