I should be posting as soon as I figure things out but I get really distracted & busy. But yeah backing up Beyoncè was supposedly Prego right?
I'm sure everyone saw this video of her interview on Sunday Night in early October;
& then the other re-makes of it showing the "baby bump" such as;
I really like that specific one cuz it slows it down & brings up that look on her.
Did ya'll then catch the next episode they aired about all these rumors?
Wait did you hear the excuse?? To quote "There’s no sign of any straps that could hold padding in place, but for us the biggest clue is this: (interviewer): “You’re glowing." It’s a mother’s joy you just can’t fake. So there you are; settled, finished, over.”
Ohhh yaaa.. true so true.. I’m like really convinced now... pfft please c’mon!
If anyone buys that (sorry to use a stereo0type here but) I gotta get that persona blonde wig!
Their so desperate to get us to believe that Beyoncè is pregnant. The last thing was so pathetic. She’s an actress for Pete’s sake of course she can act pregnant as well as that technology these days are just amazing. To top that off I read a comment somewhere bout how in movies the actresses are pregnant and we don’t see straps either, very very good point innnit? Well think about it.
As well now why do you think they’d want us to believe Beyoncè is really pregnant that to will deliver in the Aquarius year and I always said her kid would be an Aquarius too and that’s exactly what she was.
Her child; Ivy Blue Carter born 7th January 2012. So her child a girl (hint hint to the song Girls Who Run The World) is an Aquarius (hint hint water bearer of knowledge) in the year of Aquarius. As too let’s see this an a coincidence; her song Signs which I talked about what does she say again? “Got game like an Aquarius”. So yea Aquarius will have a lot of game huh...
Blue Carter = Eulb Yvi which is Lucifer’s daughter’s name in Latin
What exactly does that say?
Since most of the Illuminati’s verbal messages are backwards which is proven very well in Beyoncè’s song Signs, her & Jay-Z’s first child’s name flipped is Lucifer’s daughters. Hence he is Lucifer right?
To me this makes a lot of sense to others it may not. There’s a whole lot more that can be said about this and a lot that needs to be said about the deaths of Michael Jackson, Amy Winehouse & recently Whitney Houston, all in the next post.