There's so much of everything that could be talked about, about the Illuminati. They are everywhere. But the question is why do we just recognize them & why are they just revealing themselves now & why are a lot of people believing in them now? Could it just be another one of their diabolical master plots? Or was it a mistake that they are trying to get a hold of now by letting everyone hears and believes about them?
In my opinion; I do believe that it is a plot to see how many people do believe in such cults as things like the masons and illuminati. & if they do, who is going to stop them now that they do, literally, rule the world? The modern world we live in now survives & thrives on one thing and one thing alone; money.
Who controls the banking systems? Who controls the richest people on this Earth? Who provides them with their fame, glory, money, & power?
The media; why do you think the media is such today? They say society's changing is all. That we are becoming a better, opener, more tolerant society. Are we really? Or are we just becoming ignorant, naive, and weaker in every aspect; be it physical mental and emotional.
I believe it's a mixture latter on the negative side; we are becoming ignorant, naive, and weaker. We need to educate ourselves on what exactly is going on around us. What is happening in this World? What can we do to make it better?
I do believe in things such as 'Fate' and 'Destiny' because in my religion it does teach me that there are some things that God (Allah) has decreed will occur and so it shall whether people like it or not and no matter what you do it will occur. And I believe that the Illuminati and everyone involved and such they are part of his plan because they are helping the Anti-Christ (Dajjal) and so will need to do what they have to set him free and that is what they are doing. Hence, I do not believe that we can put a stop to all this corruption in the World. But in saying so not participating in their actions is what we can do. Keeping a safe distance and doing what is right and educating others on the matter, at least giving them the option of choosing is better than living a life of ignorance. And this is really why I started this blog. I want people to know, understand what's going on in the World. Everyone is so connected it's not always a good thing because look how much evil can be spread around. & I myself find it hard to stay away from all the movies, TV Shows and such that are being shown but at least keep in mind what is happening and stay true to your Lord because he is the only being that can help you to the right path in such dark ages.
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