Ok, so let’s move onto some newer artists, an old song but a new artist none the less. Who doesn’t know the amazing Jessie J? Incredible voice right? Touching, moving songs? What about her song; Price Tag; “it’s not about the money”, lovely right? It’s the music and the people, not the money.
So you’d think.
If you research on the music industry and how it is now it doesn’t make as much money as it used to. However, there are more and more artists being signed practically each day. Shows such as The X Factor, American Idol and many more who are out to ‘find talent’ and ‘give people a chance to live their dreams’. Why would they do that if they’re not making as much money anymore? It’s because “it’s not about the money” the point is to “make the World dance” and “forget about the price tag”. Hence, ‘people listen to the beat, join us, and we don’t care about the money anymore because we already own all of the entertainment industry and much more but we just want your minds and bodies now so come on!’ that’s what their saying, that’s what it’s all about. And like I did with the Lady GaGa video I will go step by step through the video and lyrics;
So the first thing you see is this;
Then when it zooms back out we see the child just sitting there and it seems as though the teddy bear is watching her. Thus enforcing the mind control;
Then we see;
“Coconut man, Moon Head and Pea”
Well if we take a look at coconut man he seems like a very simple doll but Moon head looks like a magician. When she says "Pea" she points to herself as if to say 'me'. So these two men are in charge of her. But when she calls them they appear and she makes them disappear on her command so is she in charge of them or are they in charge of her?
It seems that she points to herself, then up at the teddy bear and then at the screen and she is leaning back on this bear, the one that traumatized and took away her innocence as a child. But she uses him as something to lean back on, something to help her through, something that's going to 'help' the viewers as well.
She then says "You ready" ;
She then says "You ready" ;
And the way her close up stares at the camera is pretty creepy; as if to say: ‘I know yours, and I will get you’. She's looking right at you, knowing your ‘price’.
“I wonder how they sleep at night”
She sings this while completely leaning back on the bear resting her head on its chest. Seeming to say ‘I found my comfort, you can come and find yours here with me’.
"When the sale comes first”;
We see her with a ‘price tag’ on her that is rocking like a pendulum from her hand and is tied to both her ankles thus placing her in a position where she is unable to move. A mannequin. A mannequin up for sale at any price.
When she says the words “comes first” we see this;
And again she flashes the illuminati all seeing eye symbol by covering up her left eye and showing the same eyes that the bear has. The bear here looks very strong and big as if being her strength and foundation to lean on.
"So serious, acting so damn mysterious";
The men are like body guards, mysterious and serious because they are the handlers. From the eyes of a child that's all they would seem to be and a child won't be able to understand why since all they know is fun.
When she does talk about the shades the boys try to act playful but are still seen as 'bodyguards'.
When she does talk about the shades the boys try to act playful but are still seen as 'bodyguards'.
"We're payin' with love tonight";
She’s standing under a money tree with money scattered all around her and dances there as she sings her famous chorus;
"It's not about the money, money, money
We don't need your money, money, money
We just wanna make the world dance,
Forget about the price tag
Ain't about the (uh) Cha-Ching Cha-Ching
Ain't about the (yeah) Ba-Bling Ba-Bling
Wanna make the world dance,
Forget about the price tag."
We don't need your money, money, money
We just wanna make the world dance,
Forget about the price tag
Ain't about the (uh) Cha-Ching Cha-Ching
Ain't about the (yeah) Ba-Bling Ba-Bling
Wanna make the world dance,
Forget about the price tag."
The whole time making hand gestures of ‘money’ and showing her ‘bling’. Thus showing the World; ‘we have enough money we just need you, your minds, and bodies now. You minds to indoctrinate and your bodies to enslave.’

When she says; "dance";
Here she is in a musical box. This is one of those boxes that need to be winded up so that it will work which is yet another metaphor of the Illuminati controlling her movements.
She then sings; "When it wasn't low blows and video hoes
She says ‘hoes’ but she wears the same outfit and does the same moves that she did in her video “Like A Dude”. So, is she calling herself a hoe? Selling herself short to bring up this song to get more people?
As well she is holding her crotch which is a sexual sign. She is in charge. I believe taking control of the people behind and the grabbing of the crotch is to show power that she is a girl but is taking charge.
The girl on the left of Jessie J seems like a china doll and moves like an innocent yet 'naughty' one. Whereas the one on her right seems more of a tomboy. Battle of the sexes? I think it's more that Jessie J contains so much power she controls both.
"Can we all slow down";
When she says “slow down” as a puppet she slumps over, and so do the dancers behind her, and she stares at the camera vacantly.
She is again manipulated by forces unseen, they are from above amd this is one way the Illuminati show their control and is seen very often in the Industry.
This was even used in the Monarch programming. They would paralyze the child and electro shock is then applied to certain muscles when commaneded by the porgrammer. This then causes the child to have no control over their body and his/her body parts start toi jerk around due to the electro-shocks. Which then causes them to become puppets. A Marionette to be exact.
That is exactly how Jessie J and the other two dancers move around, in a weird jerking fashion and they have painted faces to represent Marionnettes.
“And enjoy right now”;
She points at the camera and stares at the viewers as if to say, ‘slow down and come over and enjoy the time you have and forget everything else.’ This message of ‘enjoy your life, you only have one’ is seen in practically every song and in many movies now; telling people to forget everything else and just go with their desires and urges, and what fashion tells them is ‘nice’. Thus, creating a society that doesn’t use their brains too often and just goes along with what they want and lust for. Not a very intelligent society.
"Guarantee we'll be feeling alright"
Yeah you'll feel alright for now, in this World and lifetime, but is that what life's about? Just 'feeling' alright?
"Everybody look to the right";
Flashing the all seeing eye; Illuminati.
"We're paying with love tonight";
So the Illuminati are all about love? Hence so is the Anti-Christ?
And again "it's not about the money" but about love, the public's love, their love for the Anti-Christ, the Devil and all that is evil that is going to pay for them to overcome the good. (I know it sounds like a stupid horror movie but this is what it truly is.)
Then again as a Marionnette you can see how she jerks around, but seemingly in a happy state singing the chorus.
BOB comes in srapping his amazing part;
“And all I, yes all I need
Are keys and guitars”
Are keys and guitars”
So all I need is this to keep all of you with me because this is more powerful than money.
"So we ain't gonna stumble and fall
Waiting to see a sign of defeat
Uh uh";
Waiting to see a sign of defeat
Uh uh";
He is between toy soldiers, soldiers are never defeated, and since they have guns etc. he is powerless against the will of his handler.
"So we gonna keep everyone
Moving their feet
So bring back the beat
And then everyone sing"
Moving their feet
So bring back the beat
And then everyone sing"
This is what the music does to people, whether we want to or not, it's just that contagious.
We then see Jessie J inside a large dollhouse;
Due to the intense trauma the Monarch slaves were subjected to they were then encouraged to dissociate from reality and hence escape from the pain of the various tortures they had to endure. The ‘doll house’ is a representation of the make-believe Worlds the slaves escape to when dissociation occurs, the different colored rooms being a different World. As well as this, it was used as a prop to program children, mostly girls. While the girl was being tortured she would be shown a multi-roomed dollhouse, each room containing a different color. The rooms would be linked to the child’s mind to computers so the dollhouse structure was the structure the computers used.
During the third chorus a quick flash of this is seen;
It is shown so briefly nobody really realizes it was there. This broken one-eyed doll face is a representation of the fractured psyche of a trauma victim. In mind control symbolism, dolls represent the alter persona that is created by the slave’s handler. As well, in this video the doll has one eye missing hence, Illuminati mind control. In addition, Jessie J’s eye is where the missing eye should be hence portraying the merger of the victim (Jessie J) with its alter persona.
She is also looking at the doll showing us even more of a connection between them.
We then see;
The child version of Jessie J and herself dancing. However the child’s face still can’t be seen properly, so she doesn't really have a persona yet, not the right one for them anyway. And the way she dances is quite robotic. As well, she keeps looking to Jessie J as if for direction and for approval of what she’s doing. This seems to be that Jessie J, after being programmed herself, is now the one doing the programming.
Another scene;
Here Jessie J is wearing a feline-print leggings, which is a code for the ‘Sex-Kitten’ programming. Where they program young girls to be sexual objects (which can be seen all over the Entertainment industry). As well as this, her leg has been removed from her body showing us that she is not in control, but she is laughing hence enjoying it. This is another reminder of the fractured mind states the victims of the Monarch programmings are in.
“Forget about the price tag”;
Even though she tore up the price tag and threw it to the ground it is still tied to her ankles and we still cannot see her face. Hence, she isn’t in control because they have already bought her and she doesn’t need a price tag because they control her.
She then finishes the song with a series of "Ahh"s;
In this first picture we can see she is wearing the feline print leggings but her legs are crossed, her arms outwardly bend, and her hands showing the ‘devil horns’. Conveying her sexuality be only for the devil.
Here she is whispering to the viewers as if telling us a secret. She doesn’t seem as she did in the other scenes as a Marionette. She was happy, cocky before. Now, she doesn’t seem too happy in this picture. Is she trying to cry out for help now?
She says “forget about the price tag” however she takes a bunch of the bank notes and lets it rain over her. So again, you can forget about the money because of here, for us, we are swimming in money, we don’t need your or any more money.
We see that it’s a sort of baby pink which indicates innocence, a girl and sweetness and if we look at all the other scenes that contain this color (above) that is exactly how Jessie J acted in those scenes.
Another color is the purple-ish one. Here Jessie J is more confident, outgoing and fun than in the pinks.
When the boys are shown, bodyguards and BOB, they have a light green background.
There are even baby blue backgrounds, those are only seen when Jessie J is being fully controlled by outside forces;
As well, earlier, Jessie J said "Coconut Man, Moon Man" and later in the video whiil BOB was rapping his part he talks about Mars and we see;
And then with Jessie J we see;
So could “Coconut Man” be BOB’s handler and “Moon Man” be Jessie J’s? That’s what it seems like to me.
Link to full video;
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