Paramore is a well-known ‘emo’, rock band, became very famous after singing ‘Decode’ for Twighlight. Then their new approach to their songs in their album ‘Brand New Eyes’ got a bit of their audiences taken aback, but they still loved their meaningful songs.
However, their song ‘Brick By Boring Brick’ was seen as quite a disturbing video, one that is creepy to look at but you can’t seem to look away from, kind of like a very bad car crash.
If people only understood mind control they would be able to see that the video is full of Monarch Programming symbolism and the lyrics go along with it.
So, straight off you can tell that this is some sort of 'fairy land' it isn''t the real World;
We then see a little girl running in the distance. So we're in a little girl's fantasy?;
Then Haley Williams on a swing wearing a white dress.
White, we know, is to symbolise purity. So this little girl is a younger version of Haley. So this is a fantasy that Haley had as a young girl.
The girl runs passed Haley and a member of Paramore who is digging a grave. She doesn’t seem to notice them, which tells us that to her, they are not there. As well we can see that she is wearing butterfly wings and is carrying a doll.
Now, the butterfly is a huge part of Monarch programming, it is the primary reason it is called Monarch Programming. The Monarch butterfly is a species that is able to pass on knowledge to its offspring via genetics and so scientists learned from this animal that knowledge can be passed genetically.
They then discovered that the ability to dissociate can also be passed genetically from generation to generation. And since the primary important factor for the trauma-based mind control is the ability to dissociate the butterfly is a good creature to use.
Children need to be good at dissociation to be programmed and so are tested at 18months of age is they can dissocoate and if they are able then programming starts.
While being torutured via things like; sexual abuse, electro-shock therapy and other sadistic tortures the mind-control slaves are encourages to dissociate from reality. They are encouraged to create and go to their 'happy place' (heard this before?) They use fairy tale imagery to reinforce the programming and create and alternate reality for the slave. Because the victim is in self-preservation mode it creates a new persona as a defense mechanism to the abuse and so the blurring of the lines between reality and fantasy makes the slave completely oblivious to its true state.
This can all be seen above. This place is the child's fantasy. The reason the girl doesn't notice Hayley or the man digging the grave is because she is in her own 'reality' for now trying to get away from her true exsistence. The butterfly wings on her back symbolises that she is a Monarch slave.
"She lives in a fairytale
Somewhere too far for us to find";
So the "fairytale" is her dissaciative mind state and it is "too far for us to find" because it is in her mind, her consciousness. So even if you want to find the true persona of this child you can't she's too far gone.
"Forgotten the taste and smell
Of a World that she's left behind";
Wanting to forget and so has forgotten about the torture she has and is enduring.
"It's all about the exposure the lens I told her";
The exposure to the prison, the tests as if she's a lab rat. "I told her" her two personas communicating. Talking as if to try and soothe the original persona.
Here the door of her new reality shuts violently behind and she is shocked. So by this we can see that it is forced upon her.
Just as Hayley sings; "are all wrong now" this is flashed;
The all seeing eye.
So her angles are being manipulated by her handlers.
She's ripping wings off of butterflies";
All "the angles" she knows are wrong, the Monarch Programming is taking its toll and she's "ripping wings off of butterflies".
In the pircture above you can see that she is scared after the 'gateway' has shut forcing her to stay in this reality. She is unsure and afraid, but continues.
"Keep your feet on the ground";
The dissociative state is often described as weighlessness and so her feet are always on the ground while her "head's in the clouds" so in her fairytale land.
And in this picture you can see that she can't seem to walk straight hence showing that this is unreal, she can even feel that it is unreal.
"When you head's in the clouds";
She can see her bright wonderful fairy-tale land. And since
And since this is her first time, is looking around curiously.
She drops her doll and so is letting go of something from her actual reality and is diving fully into this make believe one.
"Go get your shovel
And we'll dig a deep hole
To bury the castle";
As the chorus is being sung we see the child look around at the flowers and then when Hayley says “And we’ll dig a deep hole” we see the butterfly. Thus symbolizing the handlers hold over her and how deep they want her to go into this wonderland, how far they want her from reality.
Things are getting brighter, more colorful, more vivd and as they do we see more butterflys. So the Monarch programming is intensifying the deeper she goes.
We then see Hayley dancing;
It doesn't seem to be a 'happy' or 'fun' sort of dance more of a serious kind of ritualistic thing.
While Hayley dances they show part of the child's face and it looks as if she's smiling. However, they don't show her eyes as if trying to conceal something. Maybe it's not a true smile but more fearful than happy.
This picture kind of reminds me of the tea party in Alice in Wonderland but the hairy man kind of reminds me of Beast from Beauty and the Beast. But more of a eerie version.
She reminds me of the Queen of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland but she looks to be more of a princess. She is offering chocolates which could also be a symbol of hallucinogenics.
Now we know something truly terrible is going to happen.
Her face changes colors too, going grey and she is more and more fearful as to what is going to come next;
"You built up a World of magic
Because your real life is tragic
Yeah you built up a World of magic"
This shows again the wall that she had to build in her consciousness to dissacociate herself from her tragic reality. She escapes into her World of magic due to the extreme traumas she has to live daily. But as Hayley sings this her "World of magic" is turning evil and she gets more and more scared but cannot seem to flee or do anything. And the folliwng pictures depict this;
Then Hayley sings;
"If it's not real
You can't hold it in your hands"
Hayley is in the girls fantasy now which says that her wonderland is crumbling and her reality is catching up to her. However, Hayley seems saddened by this. That now she knows what is real and what isn't.
"You can't feel it with your heart
And I won't believe it"
She's in the fetal position, as if in a depression, trying to comfort herself that she has figured out reality.
"But if it's true"
As if she's wiping her hands from the truth as if saying 'reality and life is life you just have to make do.'
"You can see it with your eyes"
Again, in a fetal possition.
"Or even in the dark"
We see that she is now changing as if deterierating
She strips off the butterfly wings as if showing that she has now realized her reality and doesn't want this programming anymore. She wants to get away.
"And that's where I want to be, yeah"
She turns as screams realizing her reality and how much it has and is terrifying her.
As well, behind her we see;
A man with an axe.
Now, looking back at the second verse "Her prince finally came to save her ... But it was a trick" So we now realize "the trick" The Prince was no Prince but her handler. She is coiled up on the ground; traumatized, (as we see hayley is in previous pictures). The floor is dirty because before victims of mind control are forced to live in room that are littered with feces. Her "Prince", her handler, comes to save her from pain. But now that we see him with an axe it is not as it seemed. Handlers came to rape their victims and so we now know that he in fact came to rape her. And so pushing her further into dissacociation but now turning it black.
So she runs from him and the castle;
"And we'll dig a deep hole";
It's as if Hayley is singing to the digger trying to get him to keep going, deeper, deeper.
And as she is te girl keeps running away;
The 'wonderland' does not want her to go though;
But she fights them off and so she is going against her handlers, they are thus getting angry and try harder;
Her doll sits where she dropped her but it is propper up as if waiting for her;
She grabs it and runs off. Thus grasping more of her reality and running with it back the way she came.
The light seems to shine on Hayley, the good persona of this girl. She is the illuminated and thus they like her but because the girl didn't listen to them she was thrust in darkness.
Hayley sits their statuesque, robot-like, waiting for the child to come and fall into the grave that awaits her. As if ready to take her place.
Again, robotically, she just looks down at the girl then gets up, tosses her doll in with her and walks off as the man starts to bury her.
This is all very symbolic of the innocence of the girls that is killed during the Monarch Programming. The innocence is killed and replaced with a robotic persona that would do anything they say because empathy and emotions have been replaced with nothing-ness.
Isn't this what is being taught now on TV? Feeling nothing is better than being in pain? Go to your happy place?
Think about it..
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